Sunday 2 December 2012

Quiche with tomatoes and goat cheese

  • Crust (pate brisee)
  • 150 gr flour
  • 120 gr cold butter
  • 4 tablespoons cold water

  • Place the butter and water in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • The robot put flour, a teaspoon of salt and then cold butter cut into cubes. Give a few pulses until flour becomes sandy. And then turn the machine and add water, spoon by spoon. The dough should gather the ball in robot form.
  • Cold hands (keep them under cold water tap) pour dough on plastic wrap, give disc-shaped and flattened it as hard as you can. Give the refrigerator at least 30 minutes.
  •  You can use brisee bought pate, if you find
  • As the dough sit in the refrigerator, cuts tomato slice. Bake them on the grill pan on low heat for 5 minutes per side, just until a little dehydrated. When you are ready, remove them to a plate and easily remove the skin on them (will come off easily).
  • Spread crust into a round and thin sheet with diameter greater than 25 cm. Using a paper plate cut from a circle of diameter 25 cm. Place the circle of dough into a 20cm diameter round tray (I put parchment paper on the bottom of a greased pan and a little oil on the side).
  • Place tomato slices over dough side by side.
  • Crushed tomatoes over goat cheese.
  • Beat eggs well and add sour cream, along with salt and pepper to taste. Pour this mixture over cheese. Shake pan to sit a little cream evenly. Optionally, sprinkle a little grated parmesan cheese or cream over (to make a browned crust in May, I sprinkle 1 tablespoon Parmesan
  • Give the oven at 180C for 35-40 minutes. In the last 2-3 minutes move oven grill (fire / heat coming up) to brown nicely on top.
  • Allow to cool then slice. 
  • It's good cold or reheated.

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